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Lora's artisan soaps, an affordable luxury.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another Furniture Redo

I know, it's been a while.  I've still got some great soap on the website and I'm still busy making it.  I've also been busy picking up free furniture on the side of the streets and redoing them!  I've got another furniture redo I finished last week.

This armoire was mine that I purchased years ago, when TVs fit inside pieces of furniture, you know, before HD, 20 years ago.  You see a lot of these pieces of furniture at garage sales now days.  I never got around to selling mine at a garage sale and I'm glad I didn't.

Here it is back in the day it had a TV in it.  This is the only "before" picture I have and I had to crop myself out of it.  I need to do a better job with "before" pictures.  I'm just so anxious to get started on refinishing the pieces that I neglect to take any photos.

For this piece I wanted a country-vintage look.  I pictured an old pie cupboard.  The type that would sit on a covered back porch and hold pies to cool.

To accomplish this, I removed the panels on the doors and stapled chicken wire to them.  I then added wheels, because everything is better with wheels!  I finished by painting it in Mustard Seed Yellow milk paint on the outside and Grain Sack milk paint on the inside.

And here's the final product!  I'm quite pleased with it, even if it's holding blankets and not pies!

One more look from the side.  Love the wheels!

I have a desk I'm working on now that was a free find on the street.  I hope to have that finished in a week or so.

For luxurious artisan soaps checkout Lora's Beauty!

I was featured at DIY Furniture Makeovers

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